Zero trust could be the key to defending against ransomware attacks

Zero trust could be the key to defensive against ransomware attacks

An image of security icons for a network encircling a digital blue earth.
(Image mention: Shutterstock)

Zero-trust computer architecture is set to increase the efficiency of cybersecurity solutions to stop over data breaches by 144%, a parvenu report has claimed.

Surveying 125 IT and security decision-makers from both midsize and large organizations, along their plans surrounding zero-trust computer architecture, Symmetry Systems institute the absolute majority of organizations are recovered acquainted with the advantages of zero-trust and are rushing to deploy.

For the majority (53%), the main motivator for the deployment of zero-trust computer architecture is ransomware attacks. However, they are besides bang-up on securing customer data, as well as protecting themselves, and their employees, in these new remote-first and hybrid working-first environments.

Legacy system limitations

How many volition Be left bottom? Not overly some, but still a significant portion, the report suggests. Allegedly, more than 90% of respondents confirmed their organization was planning an enterprise-thick deployment of 0-confidence architecture.

Zero-swear allows for the elimination of one point of unsuccessful person, during a data breach. Tied if malicious actors get their work force on login certification, database locations or IPs, with nought-trust consolidation that information is useless, as they're barred from accessing information conferred to application roles, cloud-network perimeters, or Identity and Access code Management (IAM). Speaking of IAM, almost triplet-quarters (73%) of respondents are focused on IAM for employees, arsenic the key design modification for ordinal trust.

Elsewhere in the composition, the deuce companies listed different challenges businesses are facing when deploying aught-trust architecture, with the majority (55%) saying legacy system limitations were their number one barrier.

"Today's menace surroundings is drastically different from what we suffer experienced even in Recent epoch years – with relentless cyberattacks, the adoption of cloud services and mass remote or hybrid work," said Michael Sampson, Elder Analyst at Osterman Research, which helped with the report. "Many organizations have begun the passage to a zero-trust computer architecture and those who possess not are stern the arch."

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Zero trust could be the key to defending against ransomware attacks


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